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Monohull yacht sailing holidays & tours in Brittany

Discover the magic of sailing holidays in Brittany! Monohull: an original way of traveling with your loved one, your friends or your family. Find your dream adventure among thousands of holidays from the Mediterranean to the Caribbeans.



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Comentarios - Monohull yacht sailing holidays & tours in Brittany

63 Comentarios

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Tómese una semana para visitar las Islas del Canal navegando desde Saint-Malo


laurence j.



Excellent skipper, sérieux sachant conjuguer croisière à la voile et tourisme. Je le recommande.
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De Lorient a Vannes en siete días





Très belle aventure en mer pour cette grande première pour moi avec jean baptiste et les autres coéquipiers: Jean baptiste est passionné , calme, doux et très pédagogue pour la néophyte que j'étais . Aventure en pleine nature à la découverte des îles Bretonnes qui sont des pépites , aventure également humaine sur le magnifique voilier qui fend les vagues et gîte à souhait dès que le vent forcit . Que du bonheur de faire corps avec tous les éléments: les voiles, le vent, le soleil, les vagues et la chance d'avoir navigué avec les dauphins . Hâte de pouvoir retourner sur le Mango avec mon capitaine Jean Baptiste pour de nouveau larguer les amarres !
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Descubre los magníficos paisajes de la costa de granito rosa en velero


Julie F.



J'ai passé 4 jours et 4 nuits sur le bateau d'Olivier. C'était ma première fois sur un voilier et ça a été un vrai séjour de découverte, sous couvert de bienveillance et d'adaptabilité ! C'est un vrai plaisir de partager avec Olivier son amour du bateau, des côtes Bretonne et de la mer ! Je recommande plus que vivement cette croisière ??????
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Descubre las islas de Chausey desde Saint-Malo


Timothé L.



Jean-Luc est un Skipper dont le professionnalisme ne fait aucun doute. Grâce à ses explications, nous avons eu le grand plaisir de participer aux manœuvres et s'offrir des sensations inoubliables. Jean-Luc sait tenir compte du ressenti de ses passagers pour adapter la croisière et la rendre la plus agréable qui soit. C'était un grand moment de nos vacances.

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8 reasons to choose the Channel Islands for your next sailboat cruise:

  • Walk the Coupée, the narrow isthmus that connects Sark and Petite Sark, where the views are magnificent
  • Wet at Beauport (Jersey) and marvel at a ray of sunlight on the pink granite
  • Walk in the footsteps of Victor Hugo and visit Hauteville House, his home
  • Swallowing a fish and chips
  • Observe the stars from Sark, which has international Dark Sky Reserve status
  • Serving afternoon tea at a tea room in St Peter's Port in Guernsey
  • Lounging in St. Aubin's Bay in Jersey, a long, south-facing sandy beach

The best places to visit on your next Channel Islands cruise aboard a sailboat:

The Channel Islands are a collection of islands located in the English Channel. The five main islands, each with its own temperament, are Jersey, Guernsey, Alderney, Sark and Herm, but the archipelago includes more than 1,000 islets and reefs. Sailing in the Channel Islands is like a miniature England. British stores, British pubs, British phlegm, here we speak English and we drive on the left! They offer the change of scenery of an island land spoiled by nature, impregnated with British culture, and the feeling of walking in familiar territory, with streets with French names and a countryside that resembles the Norman landscape. Among other things, the Channel Islands are perfect for a weekend getaway from St. Malo or Granville.


Nicknamed the Flower Island, this small piece of land of 118 km2 guarantees its visitors a change of scenery not far from the French coast. The island offers an extraordinary variety of landscapes, beaches, coastal paths, small country roads and charming villages.To the north, high cliffs and caves that the sea has shaped over time, while to the south, villages with colorful houses stand amidst beautiful expanses.


Like Jersey it is a green island but not only. An island of character, Guernsey also invites you to discover its rich historical heritage of ramparts, towers and fortifications. Guernsey also gives pride of place to culture through numerous museums.


Sercq is an island out of time. Here no cars but bicycles and horse-drawn carriages will make you discover unforgettable landscapes on the small paths lined with low stone walls and wild flowers that cross the island. Small bays, cliffs and coves... The exceptional coastline of this archipelago is an invitation to discover a preserved nature.

Everything you need to know about your next Channel Islands cruise on a sailboat:

  • The best time to take a sailboat cruise in the Channel Islands is May through September.
  • On the budget side, depending on the type of boat, the level of service on board and the period, you can count about 500€ the week with skipper and 180€ the two days.
  • Numerous are the alternatives to reach the port of embarkation. Cruises to the Channel Islands are usually from Granville or Saint-Malo. Train, car and plane are available to you depending on where you leave from.

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