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3 Catamarans for 2 Weeks in Flottiglia in the Wonderful Maddalena - South Corsica


Northern Sardinia


14 days - 14 nights

Max number of passengers:

34 people



Boarding from:

Marina di Portisco, Portisco, OT, Italia

What's included

Cancellation policy

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Organised by:

Giuseppe Z.

Member since 2012 -




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35 travellers have booked this experience

This experience, in a nutshell

This year we decided to sail, in August, in the fabulous sea of northern Sardinia , Maddalena Archipelago , South Corsica .

Most likely we will also take a trip to visit Bonifacio, with its beautiful fjord and some other bay nearby. We also plan to go to Asinara if the weather permits.

We will be three catamarans and a sailboat, maybe even two, that will sail together among the thousand inlets of the various islands that we will meet in the archipelago (Caprera - Maddalena - Budelli - Spargi - Razzoli - Santa Maria), within marine oases in which to sail in full sail, being lulled by the waves and then anchor to rest and make unforgettable baths in a turquoise sea of absolute beauty. Do not miss the islands of Lavezzi (with sunset in Cala Lazzarina) and Cavallo, part of southern Corsica. Maybe even a jump to Porto Vecchio and Santa Giulia.

The Maddalena Archipelago was declared a National Park in 1994 and is certainly one of the most beautiful and unspoiled areas of Sardinia.
You're one of us??

Portisco , from where we sail, is the nearest marina to Olbia and the Maddalena archipelago. It is only 2 hours of sailing from Caprera, the first island of the archipelago, without counting the many bays and bays that we can meet in this stretch of sea that separates us. These eight islands (Caprera - Maddalena - Spargi - Budelli - Razzoli - Santa Maria - Lavezzi - Cavallo) have a unique charm that makes them one of the most beautiful archipelagos of the Mediterranean.

The numerous beaches and coves of the Archipelago are known for the clarity of their waters and much appreciated by tourists from all over the world. Cala Corsara is considered one of the most beautiful: it is located on the island of Spargi and is characterized by a fine white beach and a crystalline sea. The Spiaggia Rosa , on the island of Budelli, is undoubtedly the most fascinating: it takes its name from the characteristic pink color of the sand, due to the crumbling of the shells of small marine animals.

Unforgettable will be the experience of sleeping at the bottom cradled by the waves in the many protected bays, where the only deafening noise will be the silence and lights and chaotic everyday life will be just a memory. The amazement of an aperitif at sunset , the wonder of being carried by the wind and the pure, intense pleasure of sailing await you.

We will sail together on at least 3 catamarans and a sailboat

• A soft itinerary without long crosswind crossings or rough seas.
• Circular program that allows you to always visit different places.
• Modest on-site expenses.
• Warm and not humid weather, in August it is fabulous
• Scheduled stops in relation to the dominant wind

Basic program
CAPRERA ISLAND It is the easternmost of the archipelago, moderately high (212 m the highest point in the center) and with sparse vegetation. On the west side a bridge joins the island La Maddalena. Dried and islets dot its shores. The north eastern part of the bay of S. Stefano is littered with cliffs that have emerged. Much of the island is a nature reserve, which lends itself to beautiful hikes. After the unification of Italy and the stormy events in South America, Garibaldi spent the last years of his life in Caprera. You can visit his grave and his house in South American style, which his daughter continued to live after his death after 1882. Among the most famous and very beautiful bays we mention: Cala Portese - Porto Palma - Cala Coticcio - Port Garibaldi

ISLAND LA MADDALENA It is the largest of the archipelago and the only one to own a town. Despite being mainly stony, the only one is partially cultivated and scattered green spots stand out on the bleak granite landscape. The heights rise in the south western (153 m) and northern (84 m). Its coastal perimeter, very jagged and full of protected anchors, is studded with rocks that require careful navigation below. La Maddalena is the ideal base for visiting the archipelago. With the two adjacent islands, in fact it offers beautiful anchorages, enough to fill a busy week of exploration; who instead wants to discover every corner must stay there for about a month? . The town is full of activity and is the point of support for the naval base near the navy and for the old Nato base on the island S. Stefano. The American base has contributed greatly to the prosperity of La Maddalena which still maintains its original appearance almost intact. In summer there is a massive influx of tourists residing in the mainland hotels visiting the island for a day. Among the most famous bays with a unique sea in the world we mention: Cala Francese - Cala Spalmatore - Cala Stagno Torto

ISLAND SPARGI It is the westernmost of the group, 1 Mile poor west of La Maddalena and just over 1 mile north of Punta Diego on Sardinia. The only one is rocky and moderately high (155 m the highest point). The southern end is fronted by dry Corsara. To the north west of Spargi lies Isolotto Spargiotto, whose surrounding waters fall within the special protection zone A and therefore you can not go. Spargi offers three anchorage points: Cala D'alga - Cala Corsara (the most famous, with its beach) - Cala Ferrigno

SANTA MARIA ISLAND It is located immediately east of Razzoli from which it separates the Passo degli Asinelli. To the north of Santa Maria lies Isolotto la Presa with dry slopes facing it for a short distance to the north. On the island there are two coves with a certain shelter, depending on the wind and the sea, with turquoise waters model open-air swimming pool. Cala Muro, which opens on the north-west tip under the islet La Presa. Anchoring allowed only for buoys. Cala Santa Maria. It carves the south east side of the island. Anchoring in ¾ meters on sandy ground. The cove is immersed in a spectacular rocky site, circumscribed at the bottom by a beautiful sandy beach

BUDELLI ISLAND It lies south of Razzoli and southwest of Sanata Maria from which it separates Passo Cecca di Morto, so-called for the rocky and low passage near Budelli. Around Budelli, the sea has unique colors. The most famous bays are: Cala Sud - Cala Nord - clearly the number one is the pink beach, which falls within the area of integral protection with special regulations for the environmental protection of this location.

ISOLA RAZZOLI It is the most northwest of the group, low, barren and uninhabited. The island of Razzoli is the most exposed to the north and is striking for the majesty of its cliff and the shapes of its rocks, similar to Moore's sculptures. Cala Lunga is the most famous cove. The beach is located in an inlet in the southern part of the island of Razzoli and is characterized by a very thin white sand and a clear and crystalline sea. The landscape surrounding the beach consists mainly of granite rocks and Mediterranean vegetation. The beach can only be reached by sea and for this we will not have problems.

LAVEZZI ISLAND (Corsica) Lavezzi is a small jewel of nature and sea. It is part of the Natural Reserve of the Bocche di Bonifacio, a vast protected area between Corsica and Sardinia. There are several coves scattered around the island. The most famous is Cala Lazzarina. Spending a night inside the harbor is fabulous and unique, the sunset unforgettable.

No Departures available

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Classes of Service

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Sun Odyssey 509

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Lagoon 400

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Lagoon 440

Catamaran of 13.60m with 4 double cabins and 4 bathrooms P>

Our itinerary

Our trip starts here:

Marina di Portisco, Portisco, OT, Italia.

Check-in: 4:00 PM

Our trip ends here:

Marina di Portisco, Portisco, OT, Italia.

Check-out: 8:00 AM

The organiser reviews

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Organised by:

Giuseppe Z.

Member since 2012 -





out of




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Flotilla in the Porquerolles archipelago - End the summer on a sailing boat!


Francesco M.



E' stato il mio primo viaggio in barca a vela ed è sttao fantastico. Tutto perfetto, Giuseppe ha organizzato tutto con attezione, compresa la scelta dell'equipaggio. Tutte persone simpatiche disponibili e collaborative. Giuseppe ha una grandissima esperienza nell'organizzare queste vacanze ed un ottima organizzazione alle spalle. Le isole che abbiamo visitato sono bellissime ed anche il tempo è stato bello ... (ma forse questo non è dipeso da GIuseppe) :) :) Grazie Francesco da Roma
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10 days of pure relaxation and comfort in the Dodecanese (1st Round)


Jacques-Daniel B.

Se stai cercando una vacanza che combina divertimento, avventura, relax e nuove amicizie hai trovato ciò che fa al caso tuo! Io e la mia ragazza ci siamo imbarcati senza conoscere nessuno dell'equipaggio ed è stato fantastico. Abbiamo avuto modo di stringere delle bellissime amicizie e di divertirci un sacco. Lo skipper è stato bravissimo! Ci ha portato in posti paradisiaci e si è dimostrato estremamente disponibile in ogni tipo di situazione. Di giorno ci spostavamo in posti diversi per fare il bagno e visitare splendide isole, mentre la sera solitamente mangiavamo in delle taverne davvero particolari. Il buon cibo e la compagnia rendevano le serate magnifiche! Onestamente consiglio a tutti di provare un'esperienza del genere! Probabilmente smetterai di passare le tue vacanze in spiagge affollate per prediligere la barca anche negli anni successivi. Come già detto, lo skipper è stato fantastico e ha contribuito molto a rendere la vacanza perfetta! Grazie di cuore :) :) :)
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10 days of pure relaxation and comfort in the Dodecanese (1st Round)


Dennis Z.



Organizzazione decisamente carente se non inesistente; vacanza venduta come flottiglia ma il capo skipper (Giuseppe) era più che evidente fosse interessato unicamente alle persone presenti sul suo catamarano che ha volutamente tenuto distaccate dalle persone salvo poi dire che erano loro ad aver voluto così ma in realtà parlando occasionalmente con alcune ragazze è emerso che questo non era assolutamente vero. Giuseppe ha dimostrato anche poca professionalità nel gestire le problematiche presentatesi con i clienti disinteressandosi delle obbiezioni avanzate forte del fatto che i soldi li aveva già incassati. Uno dei catamarani è stato fatto partire x la navigazione pur sapendo che aveva un danno alle vele che ne comprometteva la navigazione senza motore e questo non è ammissibile. Nella barca a vela da 46 piedi ha inserito 10 persone più lo skipper (11) tra l'altro due posti in murata assolutamente impraticabili x una persona adulta. Dennis
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10 days of pure relaxation and comfort in the Dodecanese (1st Round)


Silvia T.



Brutta esperienza, ecco perchè Organizzazione: il concetto di flottiglia è stato completamente disatteso. Il capo flottiglia Giuseppe ha seguito totalmente ed esclusivamente il suo catamarano composto da un gruppo di amici che già dalla partenza aveva dichiarato di voler rimanere "isolato". Quindi l'organizzatore Giuseppe è venuto meno fin dall'inizio ad uno dei requisiti della vacanza che appunto era in flottiglia, Giuseppe non è mai venuto a bordo se non per riscuotere la quota assicurativa, non si è mai coordinato con le altre due imbarcazione lasciando all'improvvisazione tutta la vacanza (nessuna informazione sui tempi ed i luoghi da visitare). Le tempistiche e le mete erano dettate dal suo gruppo: partenze a tarda mattinata, poco tempo dedicato al mare, numerosi tentativi (3-4 ogni volta) per l'ancoraggio. Skipper Bali 4.1: non pervenuto e mi astengo per pietà da ogni altro commento Compagni di viaggio: fantastici, sono stati loro che hanno salvato la mia vacanza. Grazie ragazzi

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