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A tasty holiday, the Dodecanese islands




8 days - 7 nights

Max number of passengers:

4 people



Boarding from:

Kos, Grecia

What's included

Cancellation policy

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Organised by:

Emanuel & Annalisa

Member since 2016 -







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4 travellers have booked this experience

This experience, in a nutshell

A magical place in the Mediterranean, where the islands are close together and have very different characteristics, starting from Kos, the island best connected with direct flights, we will be moored in the old city, time to become familiar with the boat and breathe the atmosphere.

The next day the route to Kalymnos, the island of the last sponge fishermen, many baths await us in the crystal clear waters of this part of the Mediterranean. Kalymnos is also famous to the world's rock climbers with 3361 routes mapped in a natural gym with breathtaking views. Then Leros,

Makronisi where the water is crystal with the most intense colors, Lipso, Arki, Patmos and back. Seven islands in seven days, one more beautiful than the other.

We will sleep almost exclusively in the anchor at anchor, sometimes in front of the villages we will visit, and sometimes in silent bays, under the stars after having dined on the beach or in one of the many taverns that here are excellent,

No Departures available

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Our itinerary

Our trip starts here:

Kos, Grecia.

Check-in: 5:00 PM

Our trip ends here:

Kos, Grecia.

Check-out: 3:00 PM

The organiser reviews

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Organised by:

Emanuel & Annalisa

Member since 2016 -








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DODECANESE SECRET: volcanic islands with skipper and kitchen


Stéphanie A.



Fantastic! Safe cruise for all levels. Ideal for initiation or practicing maneuvers and taking the helm. Varied activities: more sailing in good winds or if it is less windy, more swimming/snorkeling in superb bays. Excursions to different islands very well organized. Great hosts. Great food. They went out of their way to make me feel included although I didn't speak Italian like most participants. Would do it again!
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DODECANESO SECRET: Kalymnos and micro-islands with skipper and kitchen


Claude T.



Annalisa and Emanuel are both very experienced skippers. A great team. This was my first trip to Greece. First they are real sailors using the wind all over our sailing week trip. Which was great. Both were very nice all along they made us discover remote places to anchor and spend the nights. We had the opportunity to swim in beautiful blue colored water. We could swim to the beaches and have a very nice hiking on different islands, Kalymnos, Nisiros and others non inhabited. We could have aperitif on these islands enjoying a beautiful unique sunset. Cooking on board the boat was excellent. This was my first trip to Greece. I didn’t know the other guests before and got along very quickly thanks to the hosts and nice ambiance on board the Mivida sailing boat. We all loved the refinement of the carpaccios, pasta, wine and other dishes prepared on board. Annalisa and Emanuel made us discover typical Greek restaurants with authentic excellent food. The boat was fully equipped to the perfection, very clean. The hosts were fantastic, very meticulous and attentive to our confort. We spent a wonderful week on board Annalisa & Emanuel’ sailing boat. Best experience ever. I highly recommend sailing with Annalisa and Emanuel. Thank you. Annalisa et Emanuel sont tous les deux des skippers très expérimentés. Une équipe formidable. Tout d'abord, ce sont de véritables marins utilisant la voile et non le moteur tout au long de notre semaine de navigation. Tous deux ont été très gentils tout au long du voyage et nous ont fait découvrir des endroits insolites où mouiller et passer les nuits. C'était mon premier voyage en Grèce. Je ne connaissais pas les autres coéquipiers avant, mais nous nous sommes entendus très rapidement grâce aux hôtes et à la bonne ambiance à bord du voilier Mivida. Nous avons eu l'opportunité de nager dans une eau d'un bleu magnifique couleur turquoise et parfois au reflet vert. Nous pouvions nager du point de mouillage jusqu'aux plages et faire de très belles randonnées sur différentes îles : Kalymnos, Telendos, Nisiros, et d'autres îles inhabitées. Nous pouvions prendre l'apéritif sur ces îles en profitant d'un coucher de soleil unique et magnifique. La cuisine à bord du bateau était excellente. Nous avons tous adoré le raffinement des carpaccios, des pâtes, du vin et d'autres plats préparés à bord. Annalisa et Emanuel nous ont fait découvrir des restaurants typiques grecs avec une cuisine authentique et excellente. Le bateau était équipé à la perfection, très propre. Les hôtes étaient fantastiques, très minutieux et attentifs à notre confort. Nous avons passé une semaine merveilleuse à bord du voilier Mivida d'Annalisa et Emanuel. Meilleure expérience jamais vécue. Je recommande vivement de naviguer avec Annalisa et Emanuel. Grand merci.
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LAST MINUTE! - The secrets of the small Dodecanese islands between history and culture


Christoph R.



Wir sind zu zweit mit Emanuel und Annalisa eine Woche durch den Dodekanes gefahren und es war ein phantastisches Erlebnis. Die beiden haben uns so herzlich und liebevoll aufgenommen und uns die schönsten Seiten der Inseln und auch ihre nicht so bekannten Seiten gezeigt. Von kleinen Fischerdörfern über verwunschene Bergdörfer bis zu einsamen Buchten zum Übernachten war alles dabei, was das Herz begehrt. Beim Schnorcheln haben wir Tintenfische, Zackenbarsche und Skorpionfische gesehen und einmal hat uns sogar eine Seeschildkröte besucht. Emanuels Grillkünste sind der Hammer und wir haben eine schöne Mischung zwischen originalen Restaurants und an Bord Küche gehabt. Und das Segeln im Revier ist wunderschön - mit dem weißen Boot durchs tiefblaue Wasser zu fahren bleibt unvergesslich. Und die beiden haben einen prima Weg gefunden, uns behutsam ins Segelhandwerk einzuführen. Es war ein herrlicher Urlaub und fühlte sich an, wie mit guten Freunden unterwegs zu sein. Danke dafür !!
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The secrets of the small islands of the Dodecanese between nature and relaxation


Sonia A.



Cercavo un posto poco turistico dove passare le vacanze a ridosso di ferragosto e l'ho trovato, assieme ad alla buona compagnia degli skipper e dell' equipaggio. Emmanuel e Annalisa oltre ad avere moltissima esperienza nella conduzione della barca, frequentano il Dodecanneso da anni, amano questi luoghi e intessere relazioni con gli abitanti; sono degli ottimi cuochi, non sono mancate neppure le grigliate in barca. Ottima vacanza! Sonia Amelotti

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