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Aeolian Islands by Sailing Catamaran - comfort and relaxation


Aeolian Islands


7 days - 7 nights

Max number of passengers:

10 people



Suitable for travellers:

> 3 years

Boarding from:

Capo d'Orlando

What's included

Cancellation policy

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Organised by:

Massimo S.

Member since 2015 -




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23 travellers have booked this experience

This experience, in a nutshell

A holiday in the Aeolian Islands is an experience not to be missed: to fully enjoy the beauty that these islands and the sea that surrounds them have to offer, we will be hosted on board a 14 meter long catamaran, with large and comfortable spaces.

Our itinerary will be like a splendid necklace with seven pearls: Alicudi, Filicudi, Vulcano, Lipari, Panarea, Stromboli and Salina will parade one after the other in our wanderings from island to island, in search of the particularity of each one.

And with the unmissable night trekking excursion on Stromboli we will have taken the most important step to get closer to nature and its intensity and magnificence

No Departures available

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Boat & Classes of Service

Lagoon Lagoon 42 - 2016




13 m.





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Our itinerary

Our trip starts here:

Capo d'Orlando.

Check-in: 4:00 PM

Our trip ends here:

Capo d'Orlando.

Check-out: 8:00 AM

Leg 1


embarkation at Capo d'Orlando, a strategic port of embarkation for the Aeolian Islands. Arrange your luggage and immediately make the galley. We put everything in the hold, knowledge of the catamaran, safety breefing, review the rules of life on board, and off we go!!:In a couple of hours we are in Vulcano, our port of call for the night. Dinner and overnight stay at anchor.


Leg 2


un’emozionante escursione al gran cratere di Vulcano raggiungibile in poco più di un'ora seguendo un sentiero e per chi vuole, i bagni di fango nella famosa fossa sulfurea. Per il pranzo tappa alla Piscina di Venere che adagiata nel suo suggestivo anfiteatro naturale offre un'ambiente suggestivo e colorato. Nel pomeriggio si salpa in direzione Panarea, l’isola più mondana di queste sette perle siciliane, ma anche quella più attenta all’impatto luminoso: nelle strade ci sono solo luci soffuse. Per la notte ancoriamo vicino a Cala Junco..


Leg 3


Breakfast and morning dedicated to the circumnavigation of Panarea, the smallest of the Aeolian Islands. With its series of islets (Basiluzzo, Spinazzola, Lisca Bianca, Lisca Nera, Bottaro and Dattilo). We reach Stromboli, with its lava pebble beaches and its transparent waters and at sunset we will move to see the sciara of fire that descends to the sea. On the other hand, those who have booked the guided excursion to the crater of Stromboli will live a unique experience.


Leg 4


we put another pearl in our necklace, visiting Salina, definitely the green oasis of the Aeolian Islands. Let's start from Santa Marina di Salina: from here there are many alternatives to enjoy the beauty of the island. A ride on a moped to the places where Troisi's The Postman was filmed? A Lingua snack based on cunzatu breads and Alfredo's legendary granita? Or trekking up to Mount Fossa delle Felci, an ancient crater from which to admire the entire archipelago? Night in Santa Marina or in the quieter Rinella or in Pollara, a small cove enclosed by a suggestive sheer wall, a reminder of an ancient crater. The right place for a bit of relaxation and maybe for a plate of pasta with sea urchins: willing freedivers come forward


Leg 5


in the morning, after breakfast, we will head to Filicudi where we will sink the Canna, a spectacular 70-meter-high column rock. Filicudi welcomes us among its narrow streets with a suspended atmosphere and the small village of Pecorini will be the setting for our cheerful evening, between endless dances and chats.


Leg 6


After a fantastic morning swim in the blue waters of the Bue Marino cave, take a breathtaking sail towards Lipari. The largest of the Aeolian Islands, which does not fail to bewitch us with its mysterious silence and evocative play of light. A dip at the Porta dei Giganti and return to our mooring in Lipari: we will not miss a walk along Corso Vittorio Emanuele for a bit of shopping. Aperitif, dinner and then the longest night begins.


Leg 7


Free morning for the historic center with the possibility of visiting the castle, the cathedral and the Greek theater. In the afternoon we will tour the island with a passage from the Faraglioni and last swim to the famous white beaches resulting from the pumice industry, the first flourishing activity of the island of Lipari, now over.

Return to Capo d'Orlando with overnight stay on the boat at the port.


Leg 8


by 9 a.m.: breakfasts and greetings; a few tears and exchange of addresses... and see you at the next holiday.


Frequent questions

The organiser reviews

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Organised by:

Massimo S.

Member since 2015 -





out of




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Ponza, Ventotene, Palmarola: nature, history and culture on a catamaran


matteo p.



Massimo è un ottimo skipper, preciso molto disponibile e simpatico. Per me è stata la prima vacanza in barca a vela e certamente un'esperienza positiva che rifarei.
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Ponza, Ventotene, Palmarola sailing in a catamaran


Giuliano O.



Bravo Massimo e anche Andrea. Barca molto bella e compagnia eccezionale. Ci siamo proprio divertiti, considerato che era la prima esperienza con la vela. Peccato che non ci fosse molto vento e si siano usate quindi poco le vele. Arrivederci!!! Giuliano & Tiziana
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Aeolian Islands by Catamaran


Alessandro B.



Ringraziamo Massimo e Giovanni, per averci fatto sentire a casa e averci guidato in questo viaggio che è stato più che una vacanza. La buona compagnia e le location incantevoli hanno reso questa veleggiata un'esperienza carica di emozioni e ricordi che rimarranno indelebili negli anni. Ps. Punto bonus: le playlist di Giovanni!!
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Ponza, Ventotene, Palmarola: sail in nature on a catamaran


Antonella N.



Massimo e Andrea coppia vincente !Serietà, allegria disponibilità,correttezza e simpatia un mix perfetto che ha assicurato una vacanza bellissima in luoghi altrettanto belli !Alla prossima !

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