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Whale watching cruise with WWF researcher on an 18-meter schooner




6 days - 6 nights

Max number of passengers:

10 people



Boarding from:

Talamone, GR, Italia

What's included

Cancellation policy

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Organised by:

WWF Travel

Member since 2020 -





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10 travellers have booked this experience

This experience, in a nutshell


WWF Travel offers a cruise on a sailing boat where travelers will be involved in WWF scientific research activities for the protection of the Mediterranean megafauna. A sea and navigation experience accompanied by WWF researchers , where you can learn to observe, identify and protect, with strictly non-invasive methods, the cetaceans of our seas.

For travelers it will be an opportunity to enjoy naturalistic and marine beauties , to have fun in the most beautiful seas of the Mediterranean and at the same time to develop skills of great scientific interest such as:

naturalistic photography techniques and photo-identification techniques

monitoring methodologies

behavior sampling techniques

• use of research instruments : GPS, navigation software, binoculars with reticles, video camera and BORIS software for the acquisition of surface behavioral data.

The atmosphere that reigns on the boat is serene and informal and all the people on board will be involved in the activities on board (such as cooking, keeping the boat in order, ...) , in order to preserve the spirit of sharing that characterizes this type of holidays. The daily activities, in agreement with the skipper and the researcher, will be modulated and variable according to the weather and sea conditions and the identification of itineraries that lend themselves extemporaneously to scientific research. For this as a crew we will need to be flexible and to understand that working with animals in nature is not 100% planned. Sometimes the observations of cetaceans will require more prolonged navigations in order to make an observation. But this is precisely the beauty of a cruise that has a scientific research component!


1) RESPONSIBLE TOURISM : we are among the founding members of AITR, the Italian Association of Responsible Tourism; for us, making a trip means first of all implementing all good practices aimed at respecting the environment , local communities and supporting the protection of biodiversity;
2) COMPETENCE and KNOWLEDGE : we give enormous value to competence in fact the WWF researchers all come from naturalistic training courses, but above all they have a very clear objective, that is to give depth to the emotions experienced on board and ensure that your wealth of knowledge is much heavier when returning from an experience with WWF, enriching with details every moment lived in search of the inhabitants of the sea.
3) FUN AND PLEASURE : we never forget that we are talking about holidays. We want to get to know the nature that surrounds us better, but we want to do it by enjoying the beauty of the places we are visiting and appreciating the pleasure of sharing the experience with our travel companions in a cheerful and relaxed atmosphere .


We therefore propose an adventure inside the Mediterranean Cetacean Sanctuary , in an area between the Island of Elba, the Tuscan and Ligurian coast, Corsica , starting from the port of Talamone.


The skipper of this experience will be Francesco N .. Check out the great reviews he has already received on Sailsquare. On board with Francesco you will also find two other people who will help him during the navigation and will live with you a magical experience in search of cetaceans. For those who wish during the experience it will be possible to learn sailing notions with a small course held by the skipper .

Sailing with Francesco means taking a step back in time, it means experiencing those emotions that only history with its traditions can give you. Lie down on the deck, your eyes closed, the sun warming your face and feel the gentle roll of the boat as it safely plows through the water. The schooner is in fact built entirely of wood and designed for an environmental awareness project on the theme of plastic in the sea . The guest cabins are two doubles, one triple (with double berth + 1 single) and one quadruple with 4 single berths. As the triple cabin is passing through, it is not a "closed" cabin.

This boat is deliberately spartan but very fascinating , which is why the small price to pay is the lack of some comforts: there is no 220v (therefore it is not possible to use the hairdryer on board) and it does not dispense hot water.

To participate in this experience you will be required to show the Green Pass, or a negative swab certificate carried out in the 24 preceding boarding. A quick swab is also sufficient, which can be done in the pharmacy, with results in 15/20 minutes.

No Departures available

Boat & Classes of Service

Westegard Boats Schooner 60 - 2016




18.14 m.





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Our itinerary

Our trip starts here:

Talamone, GR, Italia.

Check-in: 6:00 PM

Our trip ends here:

Talamone, GR, Italia.

Check-out: 3:00 PM

The organiser reviews

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Organised by:

WWF Travel

Member since 2020 -






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Whale watching cruise with WWF on a 22mt boat between Pontine and Ischia


Elena C.



Un'esperienza meravigliosa ed oltre ogni aspettativa anche dal punto di vista personale, non una semplice vacanza in barca! Grazie a chi ci ha accompagnato nel blu delle isole Pontine, la storica barca Adriatica e un equipaggio favoloso: lo skipper Inti, il co-skipper Giordano e la biologa marina Elisa. Una settimana di libertà e tanto divertimento grazie anche all'affiatamento che si è creato da subito tra tutti noi. E' stato emozionante veleggiare e scoprire il fascino della navigazione a vela. Elisa ci ha fatto scoprire la bellezza e la poesia di ciò che sta sott'acqua con le sue lezioni sul mondo dei cetacei. Abbiamo avuto la fortuna di avvistare le stenelle, sono stati momenti magici! Esperienza consigliatissima, tornerò presto a bordo!
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Whale watching cruise with WWF on a 22mt boat between Pontine and Ischia


Jana M.

Esperienza stupenda! E' stata un'avventura nuova e molto emozionante! Bellissimo gruppo e bravissimi lo Skipper Inti, il Co-Skipper Giordano e la nostra guida Biologa marina Elisa.
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Whale watching cruise with WWF on a 22mt boat between Pontine and Ischia


Martin F.

Ottima esperienza, piacevole, rilassante ed educativa
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Whale watching cruise with WWF researcher between the Tuscan Archipelago and Northern Corsica


Giulia D.



Abbiamo trascorso una settimana indimenticabile alla ricerca di cetacei tra le meravigliose isole dell’Elba, Capraia e Corsica. Oltre ad essere stato un viaggio ricco di momenti di divertimento e relax, è stata un’esperienza che ci ha arricchito profondamente. Un ringraziamento speciale va alla nostra guida, Andrea, che ha saputo trasmetterci la sua autentica passione per il mondo marino che stavamo esplorando. Gli approfondimenti sui cetacei che ci ha fornito con competenza e simpatia ci hanno fatto scoprire molti aspetti della vita di questi affascinanti animali, facendoci riflettere su quanto sia importante diffondere queste conoscenze per la tutela degli ecosistemi, oltre che per ammirarne la complessità e la bellezza. Paolo, il nostro capitano, è stato uno skipper partecipe, allegro e sempre pronto a venire incontro alle esigenze del gruppo. La traversata a vela dalla Corsica alla Capraia è stata uno dei momenti più belli del viaggio, grazie al nostro capitano e al marinaio, Alex, che hanno alzato le vele per regalarci questa emozione. Infine, è stata una vera fortuna condividere quest’esperienza con un fantastico gruppo. Grazie di cuore a tutti. Giulia e Marco

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