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Capri, Ischia and Procida by sailboat

Guide to the most beautiful places in the Phlegraean Islands and the Bay of Naples

Enchanted landscapes and elegant haunts, thermal springs and seabeds full of surprises, simplicity and glamour: there is more than one reason to choose these timeless islands as a destination for a yachting holiday in stages.

Destinations so famous that they are really known by everyone. Yet, very early on in the planning stage of the trip, you realise that there are so many places to see...so where to start? From Capri with its trendy clubs and iconic Faraglioni stacks? Or from Ischia with its thermal baths, lush gardens and beautiful beaches? Or why not start from the colourful Procida to discover the secrets of the Capital of Culture 2022?

A sailing holiday allows you to avoid being spoilt for choice: a one-week itinerary is enough to sail around all three islands admiring coastlines and cliffs, stopping at the most beautiful anchorages and immersing yourself in their crystal-clear sea, and then going ashore to visit the places and sites not to be missed. The guidance of a local and experienced skipper will certainly make the difference!

The best time of year

The weather is warm from May until September, when the sea provides pleasant relief from the sultriness. October is also not to be underestimated: temperatures are still mild and the islands are free of the masses of tourists.

Travel Ideas

Travel Ideas

If you are looking for a destination that can offer you a wide variety of activities, this is definitely for you. Three neighbouring islands, with short sailing times, will allow you to get around a lot. Glamorous clubs and boutiquesRoman ruins, nature tamed by man over centuries of care and coexistence: it is impossible to get tired of the breathtaking views and clear sea that characterise all three islands. And let's not forget the exceptional Campania cuisine, an essential ingredient for a Dolce Vita holiday!

Sustainable tourism

Sustainable tourism

Ischia and Procida, together with the tiny Vivara and the sea surrounding them, are part of a volcanic complex considered still active and safeguarded by the Marine Protected Area Regno di Nettuno (Neptune's Kingdom), created to protect a sensitive habitat and monitor the presence of cetaceanscoral formations, madrepores and red algae, as well as a rich migratory marine avifauna, including the rare Corsican seagull. Capri defends itself with a rarity, the blue lizard, an endemic subspecies found only on the Faraglioni.

Perfect for

Perfect for

Definitely suitable for everyone as they are characterised by a gentle, moderate wind during the warm season, the three islands attract two types of audience in particular: couples for the romantic landscapes and the possibility of a wellness experience on Ischia; groups of friends for the nightlife in the exclusive clubs, the excursions during the day and the stops at some of the most photographed coves in Italy.

First time on a boat

First time on a boat

The proximity of Capri, Ischia and Procida allows for short navigations, while the breeze blows gently and inflates the sails, allowing you to discover the true pleasure of sailing. This is undoubtedly a perfect voyage for beginners, allowing frequent visits ashore and sailing below the coast.

Six must-see stops between islands

  • The Blue Grotto on Capri

    A destination for tourists from all over the world, it is a cave special for the intense, almost phosphorescent colour that the water inside it takes on; it is accessed through a narrow crevice only one metre high, accessible only by tiny rowing boats similar to canoes for a maximum of two people, guided by an expert boatman. 

  • Sunset in the roadstead at the Capri Lighthouse

    At the westernmost point of the island, from the top of the rocky cliff, the Faro offers a breathtaking view not to be missed at the time when the sun finally plunges into the sea.

  • Sorgeto Bay on Ischia

    One of the very few places in the world where it is possible to bathe in water that naturally ranges from boiling, to lukewarm, to cold. Here, 90° thermal water gushes out from underground, creating veritable pools that mix with salty sea water. The advantage of getting there by sailboat? You will save the 234 steps to climb to reach it by land!

  • Mount Epomeo

    In Ischia, it is worth taking some time to visit the green and fertile hinterland. Trekking enthusiasts should not miss the one-hour climb up Mount Epomeo, from which there is a view across the entire Gulf of Naples to lower Lazio. Up here, the hermitage of San Nicola, carved out of the island's typical green tufa, awaits you.

  • The islands' famous nightlife

    Unmissable, especially on Capri and Ischia, is a bit of nightlife. Between the Piazzetta of Capri, the meeting place, and Ischia Porto, it is very easy to find the right club to turn the night around and maybe spot some VIPs.

  • Underwater in the Kingdom of Neptune

    Perfect for a stopover in the roadstead, the area holds unique marine treasures, to be admired by diving and snorkelling: blue fish and small tuna, extraordinary meadows of Poseidonia oceanica, corals, caves and even a submerged Roman nymphaeum.

The charm of the Gulf of Naples amidst Faraglioni and seaside villages

The Faraglioni of Capri

The Faraglioni of Capri

Few people know that Capri's three faraglioni, so called because of the local tradition of lighting large fires on the coast to signal the course to night navigators, as if they were lighthouses, also have their own names. They are the Faraglione di Terra or Stella, the Faraglione di Mezzo or Saetta, and the Faraglione di Fuori. Their origin is due to karstic waters that, together with the weather, have carved out the rock to create these monumental rocks. Today they are known all over the world, also thanks to the many film directors who have immortalised them in their films. How can you blame them... they create a fantastic panorama that one never tires of admiring, especially when observed from up close on a sailing boat!

Sant'Angelo d'Ischia

Sant'Angelo d'Ischia

The perfect place to anchor sheltered from the breeze, but not only. Sant'Angelo is a seaside but elegant village located south of the island and connected to it by a single strip of beach. Its colourful houses and marina have always distinguished it, while its boutiques and small restaurants have made it a worthy competitor to Capri. Absolutely to be admired after sunset from the cockpit of your boat: illuminated in the night, it stands out against the sea with its simplicity and immortal charm.

The places of Il Postino on Procida

The places of Il Postino on Procida

On Procida, one cannot fail to visit the places made famous by Massimo Troisi in his latest film. First of all, the Corricella, the fishing village made up of pastel-coloured houses, so colourful that they can be recognised even from the open sea. Most of the film is set right here, and in fact this is where La locanda del Postino is located, where it is still possible to stop for lunch or just to enjoy a good coffee. You can decide to immerse yourself in the fishermen trying to catch a glimpse of their homes from the sea, or go ashore and smell them: nets and stuffed chairs are still left all along the harbour!

Nature and breathtaking views for Dolce Vita holidays

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Practical info


Three islands with three very different landscapes. On Capri, the large rocky coastline makes the surrounding sea a wonderful crystal blue-green. Ischia, on the other hand, is called 'the green island' and already looking at it from afar you can guess why. Finally Procida, the smallest, is part of the Phlegrean volcanic area and has high, steep coastlines that stand out from its jagged outline. 

How to get there

By train or plane to Naples and then directly to the embarkation point from Naples or from one of the islands, which are easily reached by fast moving hydrofoils.


The wind in this area is generally gentle but capable of propelling sailboats from island to island for a relaxing holiday.

Harbours and marinas

Finding a safe harbour is not difficult, especially in Ischia, where it is possible to dock in its main harbour, as well as in Casamicciola, Forio d'Ischia and Sant'Angelo, with the latter standing out for its evocative charm. In Procida, on the other hand, it is better to moor at the famous port of Corricella, which is a sheltered landing place from almost all winds. Beware of the crowds though, better to book a place well in advance!

What to eat

The cornetto and Ischitan wines, ravioli capresi for those who like savoury and torta caprese for those who prefer sweet, fresh blue fish from the waters of Procida... these islands are home to gastronomic specialities to suit all tastes!


They depend a lot on the time of year, but surely an extra stop on Ischia and Procida will save you money, always leaving room for a nice evening on Capri.

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