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Yacht sailing holidays & skippered tours in Corsica

(Re)discover this paradisiacal Mediterranean island through the eyes the eyes of a local skipper. Cap Corse, Ile Rousse, Porto Vecchio, Bonifacio, Lavezzi islands: Corsica is one of the best destinations for a Corsica is one of the best destinations for a first cruise with family or friends.



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Reviews - Yacht sailing holidays & skippered tours in Corsica

321 reviews

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Week between the Tuscan Islands and North Corsica


Gianmarco N.



Meravigliosa vacanza con Franscesco, un vero lupo di mare ed un ottimo cuoco .Con lui ci siamo sentiti sicuri in mare, coccolati con gli ottimi pranzi che cucinava per noi. Simpaticcissimo sempre ma soprattutto quando strimpella la chitarra. Se volete vivere una vacanza spensierata in mare vi consiglio di farvi trasportare nel mare da lui e dalla sua confertevole barca a vela.
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From Liguria to Corsica, a week of sailing in dream places


Francesca G.



La nostra esperienza di una settimana in barca a vela con Giorgio in Corsica è stata semplicemente eccezionale! Non avendo mai provato prima una vacanza in barca a vela, eravamo entusiasti ma anche un po' ansiosi. Tuttavia, è riuscito a trasformare ogni nostro dubbio in pura eccitazione. Fin dal primo momento, siamo stati colpiti dalla sua gentilezza e professionalità. Giorgio è non solo un eccellente skipper, ma anche un ospite incredibilmente accogliente. La barca era super confortevole, dotata di ogni comodità necessaria per rendere il nostro soggiorno piacevole e rilassante. Ogni giorno era una nuova avventura. I paesaggi della Corsica sono mozzafiato: acque cristalline, coste rocciose e spiagge incantevoli ci hanno accompagnato in ogni tappa del nostro viaggio. Giorgio ci ha guidato attraverso baie nascoste e calette segrete, luoghi che avremmo potuto solo sognare di scoprire. Nonostante fosse la nostra prima volta in barca a vela, Giorgio ci ha fatto sentire sempre al sicuro e a nostro agio. Ha condiviso con noi la sua passione per il mare, spiegandoci le basi della navigazione e coinvolgendoci nelle manovre, rendendo l'esperienza ancora più coinvolgente e istruttiva. I momenti di relax a bordo, i tramonti spettacolari e le serate sotto le stelle hanno creato ricordi indelebili. Ogni dettaglio è stato curato con attenzione, dall'itinerario perfettamente pianificato ai pasti deliziosi preparati con prodotti freschi locali. In conclusione, questa vacanza in barca a vela è stata un'esperienza da sogno che consigliamo vivamente a chiunque desideri vivere un'avventura unica e indimenticabile. Senza dubbio, ripeteremo questa esperienza in futuro! Grazie di cuore, Giorgio, per aver reso la nostra vacanza così speciale.
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From Liguria to Corsica, a week of sailing in dream places


Emanuela T.

E’ stata la mia prima volta in barca e non esiterei un minuto nel rifare questa esperienza con il dolcissimo Giorgio! Grazie infinite .
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From Liguria to Corsica, a week of sailing in dream places


Daniel T.



Ho fatto con Giorgio più esperienze ed è sempre una conferma! Il giusto equilibrio tra la vela e la poesia

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8 reasons to choose Corsica for your next sailboat cruise:

  • A paradisiacal destination only 1 hour's flight from most French cities
  • Go exploring authentic villages and ports (Calvi, Saint-Florent, Porto Vecchio, etc.) to sample the excellent local produce
  • Bronzing on the magnificent white sand beaches of Rondinara, Ile Rousse and Santa Giulia
  • Lounging on the deck of the boat listening to the soft song of the cicadas with a glass of rosé
  • Explorer les innombrables îles de l’archipel des Lavezzi au sud de la Corse
  • Discover deserted coves and islands only accessible by boat and forgotten by mass tourism
  • Naviguer dans les surprenantes bouches de Bonifacio et passer la nuit au mouillage à Propriano
  • An ideal climate and weather to sail comfortably from April to November

The best places to visit on your next Corsica cruise aboard a sailing boat:

The Corsican coastline, with a total length of over 1,000 km, is the most varied and richest in France. Crystal-clear waters, immense sandy beaches, small deserted coves and granite cliffs populated by seabirds are all available to you on a sailing cruise. Imagine being intoxicated by the scents of the garrigue as you approach the mainland, taking advantage of your stopovers to stroll from the small fishing village to the famous seaside towns or tasting the authentic Corsican cuisine, rich in flavours. Embarking on a cruise in Corsica means discovering or rediscovering this little paradise through the eyes of a local skipper who will take you to places off the beaten track and far from mass tourism. Here are some places not to be missed.

Cap Corse

At the tip of the Island, this piece of land turned towards the sea invites you to travel. In the heart of a region with preserved nature and a unique heritage, set off to explore what the Cap Corse hides. The numerous paths allow you to discover the small mountain villages, the sometimes arid landscapes and the vestiges of past times. Cap Corse is also about the art of living! Go and discover the famous vineyards and the muscatel wine, taste the local productions of olive oil, goat or sheep cheese, charcuterie and honey, or simply let yourself be overwhelmed by the warmth and friendliness of its inhabitants.

The Bouches de Bonifacio and the Lavezzi Islands

In southern Corsica, the Bonifacio region is an open-air museum. With its upper town, its magnificent citadel dotted with narrow streets, its ramparts, it has everything to seduce you. The Bouches de Bonifacio also form the largest nature reserve in France. It includes several archipelagos, including the Lavezzi Islands, a real corner of paradise. Beyond its fine sand and turquoise water, it is a real aquarium that awaits you in the Lavezzi Islands.

The Gulf of Porto

The Gulf of Porto is one of the three French natural sites listed as UNESCO World Heritage, this thanks to the Scandola reserve, the Gulf of Girolata and the Calanche de Piana. Red granite cliffs, islets on turquoise waters, hidden caves, secret coves, scrubland... offer a truly exceptional natural setting to discover from the deck of a sailing boat. Here, the red granite sculpted by the wind and water forms strange figures to be admired at sunset when the colours are even more intense.

The three most beautiful beaches in Corsica

Here's a roundup of the beaches that are worth a visit. Rondinara, located between Bonifacio and Porto-Vecchio has been voted the most beautiful beach in France on several occasions. The bay of Rondinara is in the shape of a perfect semicircle which gives it a charm far from being spoiled by its turquoise waters. Further north, another famous Corsican beach is Palombaggia. A long ribbon of sand lined with pine trees, which stretches out in front of the Cerbicale Islands nature reserve. The beach of Saleccia is also one of the most beautiful beaches. Wild and not very accessible, it has managed to keep its soul and all its authenticity partly thanks to the fact that it is difficult to access. Indeed, this large white sandy beach with transparent water, is located in the middle of the Agriates Desert.

Finally realize your dream of cruising Corsica with a skipper on board a sailboat:

  • The best time to cruise on a sailboat in Corsica is April to October.
  • On the budget side, depending on the type of boat, the level of service on board and the period, you can count between 700€ and 1200€ all inclusive for a dream cruise in Corsica with skipper.
  • To reach your port of embarkation in Corsica, two alternatives are available to you: the ferry from the south of France or the plane.
  • Last tip, if you can't decide between the North or South of Corsica for your next sailboat or catamaran cruise, take a tour of Corsica by boat!

The best itineraries for your next sailboat cruise in Corsica with skipper:

  • Western cruise, from Ajaccio to Calvi: a first option is to take a sailboat cruise on the west coast of Corsica. A week of sailing where the enchantment will be renewed at each stop. You leave from the imperial city of Ajaccio with its old pedestrian streets and colourful houses and sail along the coast to the famous citadel of Calvi. You pass in particular by the bloody islands, the small village of Cargèse, the Gulf of Porto, the Ile Rousse, and the Gulf of Saint Florent.
  • South cruise, from Porto Vecchio to Bonifacio: a very nice week of sailing in the south of Corsica. From the famous seaside resort of Porto-Vecchio, you cross the Gulf of Santa Manza to reach the famous Lavezzi Islands, a heavenly nature reserve. You can even extend to the Maddalena archipelago in northern Sardinia before heading up to Bonifacio and its citadel perched atop white cliffs.
  • Cruise to the North, from Calvi to Bastia: the north of Corsica also offers a great sailing cruise opportunity. You leave from the Citadel of Calvi towards the Ile Rousse. You then continue towards the Anse de Peraiola, then the magnificent beach of Saleccia in the Agriates desert. You then pass by Saint Florent, the small fishing port of Centuri, go around the northern cape, you stop at Erbalunga with its old houses on the water to end your stay in Bastia.

Corsica: the best travel ideas

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