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7 days - 7 nights

Max number of passengers:

8 people



Boarding from:

Sapri, SA, Italia

What's included

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Organised by:

Antonio R.

Member since 2018 -




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3 travellers have booked this experience

This experience, in a nutshell

NB For single travelers it is required to book the entire cabin with a 50% surcharge. Contact me via the message area to receive the personalized offer.

A catamaran holiday in Cilento is an ideal cruise for groups of friends, couples or families with children.
Characterized by kilometers of pristine beaches between caves and rocks overlooking a crystalline sea with extraordinary depths, Cilento offers a lively welcome and an incredible variety of food and wine products along the coast with the greatest number of Blue Flags!

Sapri, perfectly connected with high-speed trains and easily reachable from the motorway, is the last inhabited center in Campania before Basilicata and the most populous village in the Gulf of Policastro. Sapri represents a natural port, a gulf in the gulf with remains dating back to the Roman Empire. One of the greatest compliments came to him from Cicero who called it "Little gem of the South Sea".
Our embarkation and disembarkation base will allow you to admire the famous statue of the "Gleaner".

Basilicata overlooks the Tyrrhenian Sea with a strip of coastline only 30 kilometers long, but 30 kilometers of continuous heartbeat amidst breathtaking landscapes.
Vertical rock walls plunge into the sea, creating small coves that can only be reached by boat. Going south you meet the localities of Acquafredda, Cersuta and Fiumicello until you reach the ancient village of Maratea dominated by Monte San Biagio, on which stands the famous Statue of the Redeemer.
Also known as "Christ of Maratea", the statue is second in size only to that of Rio de Janeiro. To increase the beauty of the city is its port, which guarantees services and hospitality to boats and in the summer evenings it becomes one of the attractions of the place for the many social events it hosts.

Continuing south we arrive in Calabria which welcomes us with the Island of Dino. Do not miss the many millenary caves among which the most interesting is the Blue Grotto which recalls that of Capri, with colors that take on all shades of celestial and the Grotta del Leone so called for a rock that resembles a lying lion.
Not far from the island of Dino is another Calabrian wonder: the Arcomagno di San Nicola Arcella. The Arcomagno beach is crescent-shaped and owes its name to the presence of a large natural rock arch that "protects" it from the sea. The scenery becomes even more suggestive thanks to the Grotta del Saraceno, which is located right next to it: a cavity carved over the centuries by the erosive activity of the sea and which houses one of the innumerable sources of fresh water inside.

A seaside village in the municipality of San Giovanni a Piro, Scario is a picturesque seaside village located on the seashore on the slopes of Mount Bulgheria. Renowned tourist center equipped with one of the best equipped ports in the area, Scario enjoys suggestive attractions, including its beautiful promenade and the wonderful coast of Masseta. The rocks of Mount Bulgheria sink into the sea, forming one of the most beautiful underwater paradises in the Mediterranean, rich in marine species that have long since disappeared elsewhere. The stretch of coast that extends from Scario to Punta degli Infreschi, the western limit of the Gulf of Policastro, is almost exclusively accessible from the sea.

Marina di Camerota is the most famous fraction of the municipality of Camerota, (an ancient village perched on Mount Bulgheria) and represents its ancient outlet to the sea. Today this place has become one of the most famous and sought-after destinations of Cilento's seaside tourism thanks to its splendid coasts made up of wide beaches with white sand set among the rocks covered with wild vegetation.
Cala Bianca and Baia Infreschi are two of the most interesting bays with turquoise waters set in lush nature.
In the historic center of Marina di Camerota there is the main square, Piazza San Domenico, from which various streets and streets full of clubs, shops and restaurants wind. On summer evenings the center is very lively thanks to the numerous concerts and live shows.

Palinuro is one of the most popular tourist resorts on the coast. Its Blue Flag beaches, the famous "Capo Palinuro", and the dense network of underwater caves, make it a popular destination even for diving enthusiasts. Capo Palinuro is a high cliff overlooking the sea famous for the numerous Saracen towers and forts built around the sixteenth century to defend the coast and still open to visitors. Hidden by the high rock wall and reachable only by sea we find La Baia del Buon Dormire. This small bay is a beach with clear, emerald green waters and fine golden sand. In front of the beach is the "Scoglio del Coniglio", so called for its shape.
Finally, the famous Arco Naturale beach, located near the mouth of the Mingardo river outside the center of Palinuro. The rocky arch overlooks the beach of very fine sand which is particularly fascinating at sunset.

Acciaroli, defined as the Pearl of Cilento, is an ancient fishing village capable of enchanting tens of thousands of tourists every year with its charm.
A Blue Flag and five sails ensure the quality of the sea. Particularly appreciated by those traveling by boat, its port is the center of the social life of the town, with many elegant shops, clubs and restaurants open at all hours.

No Departures available

Boat & Classes of Service

Catana Bali 4.0 - 2018




12.19 m.





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Our itinerary

Our trip starts here:

Sapri, SA, Italia.

Check-in: 5:00 PM

Our trip ends here:

Sapri, SA, Italia.

Check-out: 7:00 AM

The organiser reviews

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Organised by:

Antonio R.

Member since 2018 -





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Meravigliosa crociera in Catamarano a vela in Cilento


Tommi P.



Mi sono trovato benissimo con Antonio e il suo catamarano Jolly Roger. Antonio è un comandante molto simpatico, capace e sopratutto prudente. Con lui al comando si può stare molto sereni e godersi tutti i comfort del suo bellissimo catamarano. Ottima anche l’organizzazione della sua compagna Fracesca che ha reso tutto più agevole fin dall’inizio! Un grazie di cuore a tutti!!
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Meravigliosa crociera in Catamarano a vela in Cilento


roberto p.



Bellissima esperienza. Antonio è un comandante gentile ed esperto e Francesca un aiuto prezioso per tutta l'organizzazione della vacanza. Il catamarano Jolly Roger è confortevole e molto bello. Vacanza consigliatissima
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silvia a.



L'escursione di una settimana è organizzata in modo da garantire la massima resa con la minima spesa allo skipper (ma possiamo chiamare così chi naviga solo a motore?) Il golfo di Policastro e il catamarano di Antonio non sono raccomandabili a chi vuole fare un'esperienza in barca a vela. Se, invece, l'obiettivo della vacanza è di costeggiare spinti dal gasolio anziché dal vento, questa è l'escursione perfetta e la barca è davvero comoda. Sono stata molto bene sul catamarano, era come essere in un appartamento Antonio è un bravo animatore-----------------------------------------------RISPOSTA DELLO SKIPPER------------------------------------------------------Cara Silvia è stato un vero piacere averti a bordo. Confondere i compiti di uno skipper con quelli di un animatore da villaggio turistico spiega egregiamente il perché tu non riesca a comprendere che una barca a vela, in assenza di vento, con il solo ausilio delle vele, ahimè non riesce a muoversi. Ciò detto, già gli antichi romani, nelle loro galere, avevano risolto questa tediosa problematica dell'assenza di vento. Non volendo bruciare gasolio, ricorrevano all utilizzo di remi, rinunciando contestualmente anche ad alcune piccole comodità tipiche dei nostri tempi...il salpa ancora elettrico, il frigo, l acqua corrente, la strumentazione di bordo nonché l illuminazione, senza contare la necessaria corrente elettrica per ricaricare telefonini computer portatili e dispositivi di vario genere. In riferimento alla "minima spesa, massima resa" trattasi del consumo di litri 60 di gasolio per un intera settimana che sono stati scontati alla cifra di euro 100 da dividere per le 7 ospiti a bordo. Essendo considerato alla stregua di un animatore (con tutto il rispetto per quella professione) capisco che magari ti saresti immaginata di vedermi volteggiare tra una randa e un fiocco, così, giusto per diletto, e mi spiace non aver colto questo tuo desiderio...ne farò tesoro per la prossima volta che, nonostante le danze propiziatorie e i sacrifici al dio Eolo, costui proprio non si degnasse di mandarmi un solo refolo di vento.
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Ornella R.



Antonio è un professionista del mare, attento e responsabile. È anche una persona simpatica, dalle vaste esperienze. Francesca cura la logistica da terra e anche lei è simpatica e in gamba. Purtroppo la scarsità del vento non ci ha permesso di veleggiare... Ornella

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